
Title Yearsort ascending
Nanomedicina para las enfermedades raras 2020
OPTIKA: a new high content drug combination dynamic assay 2020
Nuevos hallazgos genéticos dentro del Proyecto Pirinnovi 2020
Stem Cell-based In Vitro Models to Study Neurodegenerative Disease 2020
Diagnosticar con imágenes. Historias virtuales 2020
Repurposing beta-lactams for Buruli ulcer therapy, from the bench to the clinic (Invited Speaker) 2020
Geoethics in connection with the palaeontological heritage (keynote as invited speaker) 2020
What is Globalization? and What are Global Studies? 2020
Bismuth-based colloidal nanocrystals: lead-free materials for solution-processed solar cells 2020
En busca del Caballo de troya ideal para la terapia antitumoral 2020
Geoethical issues in Palaeontology at a glance (keynote as invited speaker) 2020
Investigación y asistencia sanitaria. Presente y futuro. Juan Calatayud y Alberto Jiménez Schuhmache 2020
Hydrogen In Gas GridS: a systematic validation approach at various admixture levels into high-pressure grids 2020
Calorimetría diferencial de barrido y calorimetría isotérmica de titulación 2019
Las celdas fotovoltaicas de perovskita híbrida y sus expectativas de bajo precio y estabilidad duradera. 2019
Using DNA to build custom-designed nanostructures for biomedical research 2019
Deposición atmOsférica en ambientes Naturales y AntropIzados del noreste de España; caRacterización geoquímico-magnética intEgrada DONAIRE 2019
In vitro stem cell models to study neurodegenerative disease 2019
Stable isotopes for the study of plant water uptake and transport 2019
