
Title Yearsort descending
Proyecto CO2PPICE: vulnerabilidad y servicios ecosistémicos en tratamientos de resalveo de monte bajo de rebollar en el Moncayo 2023
Eventos de intrusión de polvo africano sobre zonas de la cuenca occidental mediterránea: evolución temporal e implicaciones con el cambio climático 2023
Electrical, optical and morphological properties of NiOx thin films grown by Sol-Gel method for application in optoelectronic devices 2023
Communicating and outreaching palaeosciences through visual arts: lessons from different realms. 2023
Workshop: Europe In An Uncertain World: Openness, Resilience And Vulnerabilities Of Small States And Middle Powers 2023
Remote spin-spin interactions mediated by superconducting circuits for quantum applications 2024
Fabrication de capas conductoras eléctricas en vitrocerámicos mediante LIBT 2024
Where does employment really occur due to investments in wind energy? 2024
The Materials for Sustainable Development Conference (MATSUS24) 2024
Development of perovskite solar cells based on quantum dots 2024
Two-qubit [Dy2] molecules deposited into micro SQUID susceptometers: in situ characterization of their spin response 2024
Determining stomatal response to vapour pressure deficit from gas exchange measurements: conceptual and methodological challenges 2024
Where does employment really occur due to investments in wind energy? 2024
Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo entre los desafíos externos de la UE 2024
XVII Congreso AECPA 2024
Development under ambient atmosphere of solar cells combining perovskite and quantum dots 2024
Los determinantes de las preferencias de los españoles que apoyan la imposición sobre la riqueza: ¿divergen entre diferentes medidas de política tributaria? 2024
Exploring the hydraulic functioning of Viscum album L. and its relationship with the host tree Pinus sylvestris L. 2024
Soil water status modulates the temperature dependence of stem CO2 efflux in Quercus ilex and Quercus faginea trees 2024
Aproximación a la diplomacia parlamentaria: el rol del Parlamento Europeo como tribuna moral 2024
