
Title Yearsort descending
La visión de los agentes socio-económicos locales 2006
La dirección IP como dato de carácter personal 2006
La nueva burocracia 2006
Ligand binding to one-dimensional lattice-like macromolecules: Analysis of the McGhee - von Hippel theory implemented in isothermal titration calorimetry 2006
Unmasking the dynamics of modular proteins: The basis of familial hypercolestrolemia 2006
Análisis de los servicios ofrecidos por los Ayuntamientos a través de Internet en tres regiones del sudoeste europeo 2006
Développer le Net résidentiel & Web public, Services numériques... Quelles priorités (mesa redonda) 2006
Comovements in Financial Markets: The Curse of Diversification 2006
Estudo das propriedades de tranporte e magneticas do composto de Er5Si4 2006
Mitochondria as therapeutic target for the treatment of fungal infections. Implications for the effector function of the immune system 2006
Pressure enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in Er5Si4 2006
Interplay of structure and magnetism in the magnetocaloric compounds R5(SiGe)4 2006
Pressure dependence of the structural and magnetic transitions in Er5Si4 2006
The Fast-Track Programme of the TB Task Force of Greater Lisbon # Detection of MDRTB Pulmonary Infections in 24-48 Hours # A Two Years Study 2006
Structure of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chitinase 1 and screening-based discovery of potent inhibitors. 2006
Mast cell-secreted gzmB mediates anoikis and affects the integrity of endothelial cell contacts independent of perforin and granzyme A 2006
Study of the structural and magnetic phase transitions in Er5Si4 under hydrostatic pressure 2006
R5(SixGe1-x)4: an ideal system to be studied in x-ray at high magnetic field 2006
Thermopower of R5(SixGe1-x)4 magnetocaloric compounds with x~0.5 (R=Gd and Tb) 2006
Clinical implications of efflux pumps of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 2006
