
Titlesort ascending Year
and morphologic diversity of epilitic cyanobacteria of river ecosystems with pollution events 2002
Ancient Sus DNA at the Neolithic site of Cova de Els Trocs, Spain 2019
Ancient DNA analysis of feathers from funerary bundles at the pre-Hispanic religious center of Pachacamac (Perú) 2021
Analysis of unbinding force for the Flavodoxin-FNR and Ferrodoxin-FNR complexes via AFM experiments, using a double barrier model 2013
Analysis of the role of microRNA in age-related heart electrophysiological remodeling 2018
Analysis of the Impact of Croatia's accession to the EU on the agri-food sectors. A general equilibrium approach 2013
Analysis of the distributional impacts of the Spanish climate and energy policy using a Dynamic-econometric IO model 2019
Analysis of Structural Patterns in highly disaggregated bio-based sectors on EU Member State level with IO Multipliers 2016
Analysis of rupture force for the Flavodoxin-FNR and Ferrodoxin-FNR complexes via AFM experiments 2013
Analysis of impacts of the EU’s export refunds on developing countries since 2003 2011
Analysis of heterotropic effects in substrate binding to Anabaena PCC7719 ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase by isothermal titration calorimetry 2006
Analysis of genes regulating the production of the invasive aspergillosis biomarker bis (methylthio) gliotoxin within genus Aspergillus and other opportunistic fungi 2017
Analysis of future agricultural policies: What impact has the parameterisation of agricultural support? 2019
Analysis of carbohydrate interaction in biological and model systems using surface plasmon resonance 2001
Analysis and control of the electronic motion with time-dependent density-functional theory: new developments in the octopus code 2013
Análisis GWAS para caracteres de estacionalidad reproductiva en ovino. 2015
Análisis GWAS de caracteres relacionados con la estacionalidad reproductiva en Rasa Aragonesa mediante el chip de media y alta densidad 2019
Análisis de Política Exterior: Estudio de Caso en la Políticas Exteriores de España y Grecia 2015
Análisis de los servicios ofrecidos por los Ayuntamientos a través de Internet en tres regiones del sudoeste europeo 2006
Análisis de los parámetros nanomecánicos de complejos proteicos mediante Microscopía de Fuerzas Atómicas 2012
