
Titlesort descending Year
Strain and cation stoichiometry in epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films grown on silicon (Oral) 2015
Strain and polarization coupling in ferroelectric defect structures revealed by high-resolution HAADF-STEM 2012
Strain Relaxation at Atomic Scale of III-V Heterostructured Nanowires 2015
Strain state and chemical arrangement at interfaces of InAs/AlSb quantum wells 2010
Strain-Induced Multiferroicity in SrMnO3 Thin Films 2014
Strained Ba-doped SrMnO3 Thin Films: Engineering Multiferroic Properties 2012
Strategies to activate photocatalysts under solar light for pollutant removal in wastewater 2021
Strategies to elucidate the mode of action of the avermectins against mycobacteria 2021
STREG - Novel Knowledge Based Abiotic Stress Regulators 2011
Strong correlation between structure and magnetism in R5(SiGe)4 (R=Tb, Er) 2005
Structural (and sequence-based) analysis of transcriptional regulatio 2008
Structural analysis of bioeconomy sectors in the European Union 2019
Structural analysis of the regulation of the DYNLL/LC8 binding to Nek9 by phosphorylation 2013
Structural and biochemical basis of the specificity for reduced flavins of the bifunctional FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
Structural and biochemical basis of the specificity for reduced flavins of the bifunctional FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae 2015
Structural and compositional analysis of bulk CH3 NH3 PbI3 and nanoparticle CsPbBr3 perovskite materials by electron microscopy techniques 2019
Structural and functional characterization of MeCP2, a protein target associated with Rett syndrome 2015
Structural and functional characterization of ovine interferon gamma gene: Its role in nematode resistance in Rasa Aragonesa sheep breed 2010
Structural and functional characterization of phosphomimetic mutants of cytochrome c at threonine 28 and serine 47 2016
Structural and thermodynamic escape mechanism for drug resistant mutations of HIV-1 protease 2004
