
Titlesort ascending Year
Continuous frequency conversion in the sin- gle photon limit Invited talk 2014
Continuous atmospheric 222Rn concentration measurements to study surface-air exchange at the station of Gredos and Iruelas, in Central Spain 2013
Contemporary gene flow by pollen and mating patterns in Borderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae) 2008
Consumers’ acceptability towards new food products incorporating saffron 2010
Consequences of corticosterone-mediated sexual conflict in common lizards (Zootoca vivipara) 2014
Conjugación de nanoanticuerpos con fluoróforos IRDye como sondas moleculares para cirugía guiada por fluorescencia 2022
Congreso internacional sobre Derechos Humanos, inmigrantes en situación irregular y Unión Europea 2009
Conformational landscape of Hepatitis C NS3 protease 2010
Conformational Analysis of Deeply Rooted Thioredoxin Reductase from Gloeobacter by Atomic Force Microscopy 2020
Conference sessionECHO: Cross country performance assessment in action. Ponencia Risk adjustment in ECHO 2011
Conditional Stochastic Dominance Tests 2010
Computing research area at BIFI 2012
Computers programs for lawyers: an adecuated tool for Systems Research 1994
Computational Analysis Model Applied to Spanish Gaucher Registry Data 2019
Composition and morphology of Fe-Si interfaces and (Fe/Si)3 multilayer nanostructures 2015
Comportamiento de las audiencias en redes sociales: Análisis de Facebook y Twitter para el caso de las televisiones autonómicas 2017
Compatibilization of polycarbonate/polyvinylidene fluoride blends by a third polymer 1997
Compatibilisation des alliages de polymères: contrôle de l'interface 1997
Comparison of the impact of polarization aging on carbon felt electrodes for a vanadium redox flow battery 2022
Comparing transfection efficacy between lipoplexes and gold nanoparticles 2017
