
Title Yearsort ascending
The spin glass transition of the three dimensional Heisenberg spin glass 2007
Interacciones de la enzima FNR con sus ligandos NADP+ y Fd/Fld. Caracterizacion termodinamica mediante calorimetria de titulacion isoterma 2007
Room-temperature synthesis and electrical properties of La, Nd and Gd apatite-type silicates 2006
Structural characterization and ionic conductivity of metastable Gd2(Ti1-yZry)2O7 powders prepared by mechanical milling 2006
AFM aplicado a sistemas biológicos: visualización, reconocimiento molecular y estudios nanomecánicos 2006
Water soluble magnetic glyconanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, cell response and applications as contrast agents for MRI 2006
Understanding and intervening in carbohydrate interactions by means of Glyconanotechnology 2006
Síntesis mecanoquímica y propiedades eléctricas de conductores iónicos A1.7Mg0.3(Ti1-yZry)2O7 (A = Gd, Dy, Y) 2006
Gold and gold-iron water soluble glyconanoparticles: Tools for the emerging Nanomedicine 2006
Water soluble magnetic glyconanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, cell response and applications as contrast agents for MRI 2006
Isolation, location and expression of two IL1 family members as possible candidate genes to scrapie in sheep. 2006
Novel Y chromosomal haplotypes reveal wild and domestic sheep diversity 2006
Use of Caspase-1 as a chemo and radiosensitizer in vitro and in vivo. 2006
Bifunctional Organocatalysts: Versatile Tools for Asymmetric Synthesis 2006
Glyconanotechnology 2006
Double Layer Force in Biomolecule Adsorption Studied by AFM 2006
Development of a diagnosis tool based on the measurement of molecular interactions using CMOS-integrated piezoresistive microcantilevers 2006
Water soluble magnetic glyconanoparticles: synthesis, characterization, cell response and applications as contrast agents for MRI 2006
Άσμα ηρωικό και πένθιμο για τον χαμένο ανθυπολοχαγό της Αλβανίας του Οδυσσέα Ελύτη και Θρήνος για τον Ιγνάθιο Σάντσεθ Μεχίας του Φ.Γκ. Λόρκα: μια παράλληλη ανάγνωση (Canto heroico y fúnebre por el subteniente caído en Albania de Odiseas Elitis y Llanto po 2006
Pressure and magnetic field effects on the magnetic and crystallographic structures of the R5(SixGe1-x)4 compounds 2006
