
Title Yearsort ascending
Imaging magnetization states in transmission electron microscopy 2012
Decidualization conditions promote attachment and invasion of trophoblast-like Jar spheroids to a novel bioengineered three dimensional (3D) human endometrial culture system. 2012
The challenges of analyzing soil organism-driven ecosystem services – Available tools 2012
ICE-0 2012
Quantum optics on a chip 2012
Molecular, isotopic and gas-flux investigations of thaw-eroding reliefs of the Arctic Coastal-Ice complex in three different systems of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf 2012
The sequestration sink of soot black carbon in the Northern European Shelf sediments 2012
a bright source of chiral quantum light 2012
The Europeanization of Spanish Foreign Policy: a critical review 2012
EELS-HAADF combination for characterization of a new AlN/GaN DBRs growth method 2012
Nanoscale chemical and structural study of Co- based FEBID structures by STEM-EELS and HRTEM 2012
Cardiovascular alterations in KCa3.1/KCa2.3-deficient mice and after acute treatment with KCa3.1/KCa2.3 activators. 2012
Detección de una nueva variante del virus de la enfermedad hemorrágica en conejos silvestres en España 2012
Easy, fast and economic determination method of lutein, tocopherol isoforms, tocopherol acetate and b-carotene contents in meat. 2012
Protein-DNA interface prediction techniques: performance and potential in protein engineering 2012
Forecasting the Performance of Hedge Fund Styles 2012
estrategias de desinversión en el sistema sanitario 2012
Development of a comprehensive cost effective microarray-base genetic test for 216 of the most highly penetrant monogenic diseases. 2012
The ClimaDat project: a unique network of sites for Climate? Biosphere Research focused in their interactions through the climate energy main exchange pathways 2012
Self-assembled GaN Nanowires on Diamond: Direct Polarity Measurements, Epitaxy and Luminescence Properties 2012
