R&D Organization

Title Yearsort ascending
Project reviewer for the Argentinan ministry of Science and Technology 01/2014 to 06/2020
Comité científico y organizador de VI BIFI International Conference "Exploring the role of computation in Science: from Biology to Physics" 01/2014
6th School & Workshop on Time-Dependent Density-functional Theory: Prospects and Applications 01/2014
Editora revista Stem Cells Technologies 12/2013 to 12/2015
Evaluadora Becas Marie-Curie. Programa Co-Fund. Go-IN contracts 10/2013 to 12/2013
Martes Cuánticos (Universidad de Zaragoza) 09/2013 to 06/2020
XV Jornadas de Producción animal 05/2013
Organización del 1er simposio en Terapias Avanzadas UFV 05/2013
Editorial Board (Review Editor) of Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution (SCI journal) 01/2013 to 11/2021
VI National Conference BIFI 2013 01/2013
“In the Shadow of the Holocaust: Cultural Representations of Traumatic Pasts and Civilian War Suffering in the 20th and 21st Centuries”, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain (forthcoming, May 30th and 31st 2013). 01/2013
Evaluación de Proyectos. Agencia Nacional de Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP) 12/2012 to 12/2018
Director Cientifico del estabulario del CIBA 09/2012
Conference ICE-0 (Información cuántica en España), 09/2012
Workshop Nolineal 2012, Universidad de Zaragoza June 2012. 06/2012
BIFI2012 V International Conference - Protein Targets: Discovery of Bioactive Compounds 02/2012
Comite de Bioseguridad de la Universidad de Zaraoza 01/2012
“Under the name of Lukács” by Manos Zaharias 01/2012
"Beamline coordinator for time-resolved spectroscopy" de la European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility (ETSF; http://www.etsf.eu) 01/2012
School on “Molecular Excited States”, as part of the European Master Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modeling. http://www.cecam.org/workshop-631.html/ 01/2012
