
Title Yearsort descending
«Aragón Photo» rescata el retrato al daguerrotipo de Mariano Supervía Lostalé / «Aragón Photo» rescues the daguerreotype portrait of Mariano Supervía Lostalé 2021
Optimal portfolio allocation and asset centrality revisited 2021
Influencia de la gestión agroganadera y las variables climáticas y topográficas en los cambios de abundancia de la rata topera (Arvicola scherman) en el Oeste del Pirineo. 2021
Global change impacts. Challenge 1: Past Global Changes: A context to the anthropocene 2021
Developing the food, water and energy nexus for food and energy scenarios with the World Trade Model 2021
Cell morphology as a design parameter in the bioengineering of cell–biomaterial surface interactions 2021
Recent advances in the design of choline kinase α inhibitors and the molecular basis of their inhibition 2021
The complex multi-sectoral impacts of drought: Evidence from a mountainous basin in the Central Spanish Pyrenees 2021
Poly-ε-Caprolactone/Fibrin-Alginate Scaffold: A New Pro-Angiogenic Composite Biomaterial for the Treatment of Bone Defects 2021
Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark-matter searches 2021
The size effect as a lottery 2021
Conceptual and methodological issues in estimating the success of ecological restoration 2021
Assessment of parametric approaches to calculate the Evaporative Demand Drought Index 2021
Depopulation impacts on ecosystem services in Mediterranean rural areas. 2021
Thermal Liquid Biopsy (TLB) focused on benign and premalignant pancreatic cyst diagnosis 2021
Aln2tbl: building a mitochondrial features table from a assembly alignment in fasta format 2021
Double gaussianization of graph spectra 2021
Asymmetric (Transfer) Hydrogenation if Imines 2021
Energy-socio-economic-environmental modelling for the EU energy and post-COVID-19 transitions 2021
Effect of Scrapie Prion Infection in Ovine Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells and Ovine Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Neurons. 2021
