
Title Yearsort ascending
Pressure- induced ferromagnetic correlations in the giant magnetocaloric compound Gd5Ge4 2003
Integral field spectroscopy of SN 2002er with PMAS 2003
Mitochondrial DNA content of human spermatozoa. 2003
How FMN binds to Anabæna apoflavodoxin: a hydrophobic encounter at an open binding site 2003
Integral-field spectrophotometry of the quadruple QSO HE 0435-1223: Evidence for microlensing 2003
Fine mapping of the bovine heart fatty acid-binding protein gene FABP-3 gene to BTA2q45 by fluorescence in situ hybridization and radiation hybrid mapping. 2003
Aliphatic Organolithiums by Fluorine-Lithium Exchange: n-Octillithium 2003
Magnetic-martensitic transition of Tb5Si2Ge2 studied with neutron powder diffraction 2003
Collisions Between Data Protection, Transparency and Efficiency. A Principles-Based Approach to the Teaching of e-government 2003
Life history variation between species of the relictual genus Borderea (Dioscoreaceae): phylogeography, genetic diversity, and population genetic structure assessed by RAPD markers. 2003
Structural Analysis of Several W(VI) and Mo(VI) Complex Perovskites Prepared by the Polymeric Precursors Method 2003
Gold glyconanoparticles: Synthetic polyvalent ligands mimicking glycocalyx-like surfaces as tools for glycobiological studies 2003
Cofactor processing in galactose oxidase. 2003
Magnetoelastic behaviour of Gd5Ge4 2003
Highly Active Catalysts in Alkene Metathesis : First Observed Transformation of Allenylidene into Indenylidene via Alkenylcarbyne - Ruthenium Species 2003
Protease inhibition of African subtypes of HIV-1 2003
Time-Dependent Density-Functional Approach to Biological Chromophores: The Case of the Green Fluorescent Protein 2003
Varietal Utility and Patriotic Preference: The Case of European Agriculture 2003
Raman Spectroscopy of Single‐wall BN Nanotubes 2003
First evidence of sex differences in the length of avian embryonic period: consequences for sibling competition in sexually dimorphic birds. 2003
