
Titlesort descending Year
The Causes of Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells 2019
The CH/π Interactions in DNA and Proteins. A Theoretical Study 2007
The Challenge of Predicting Optical Properties of Biomolecules: Pros and Cons of Time Dependent Density Functional Theory 2009
The Complex and Spatially Diverse Patterns of Hydrological Droughts Across Europe 2022
The complex multi-sectoral impacts of drought: Evidence from a mountainous basin in the Central Spanish Pyrenees 2021
The computer application Herbar 2.0: Management of “Jaca” herbarium data 1993
The condition dependence of a secondary sexual trait is stronger under high parasite infection level. 2012
The Confining-Higgs phase transition in U(1)-Higgs LGT 1992
The construction of a documented solution system for legal cases in the area of environmental law 1995
The Control of Metabolic CO2 in Public Transport as a Strategy to Reduce the Transmission of Respiratory Infectious Diseases 2022
The Cosmic Horseshoe: Discovery of an Einstein Ring around a Giant Luminous Red Galaxy 2007
The Costs of EU Club Membership: Agri-Food and Economy-Wide Impacts in Croatia 2015
The Coulomb-Higgs transition of the three parameter U(1)-Higgs model 1995
The CUORE cryostat and its bolometric detector 2017
The Cyprus Problem in the European Parliament: a case of successful or superficial Europeanisation? 2009
The Dark Matter Environment of the Abell 901/902 Supercluster: A High Resolution Weak Lensing Mass Map of the HST STAGES Survey 2007
The dark matter environment of the Abell 901/902 supercluster: a weak lensing analysis of the HST STAGES survey 2008
The Decrease in Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Load Parallels Visual Recovery in a Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy Patient 2018
The determinants of Spaniards’ preferences over favoring wealth taxation: do they behave similarly across different policy alternatives? 2024
The differential contribution of granzyme A and granzyme B in cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated apoptosis is determined by the quality of target cell 2002
