
Titlesort descending Year
The FICI paradigm: correcting flaws in antimicrobial in vitro synergy screens at their inception. 2019
The first Asian record of the mouse-deer Afrotragulus (Ruminantia, Tragulidae) reassess its evolutionary history and offers insights on the influence of body size on Afrotragulus diversification 2022
The first megatheropod tracks from the Lower Jurassic upper Elliot Formation, Karoo Basin, Lesotho 2017
The First Systematic Meteorological Observations in the Americas (Recife, 1640–42) 2023
The flavodoxin from Helicobacter pylori: Structural determinants of thermostability and FMN cofactor binding 2008
The food system in the wider bioeconomy: the BioSAM perspective 2022
The forage type (grazing vs hay pasture) fed to ewes and the lamb gender affect fatty acid profile and lipogenic gene expression in LM of suckling lambs 2012
The Forward Discount Puzzle and Market Efficiency 2011
The French Parliament and the conflicts in Libya and Syria 2016
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed Abundances in the Metal-poor Globular Cluster NGC 4372 2015
The Gaia-ESO Survey: Insights on the inner-disc evolution from open clusters 2015
The Gd2-yLayZr2O7 solid solution as a new electrolyte for high and intermediate-temperature SOFC’s 2008
The genetics of malignant melanoma 2008
The giant Lyα nebula associated with a z=2.5 radio galaxy 2006
The Global Economic Costs of Substituting Dietary Protein from Fish with Meat, Grains and Legumes, and Dairy 2019
The global historical climate database HCLIM 2023
The Good, the Bad and the Uncertain: Bioenergy Use in the European Union 2018
The Greek Lorca: Translation, Homage, Image 2012
The Green Side of the Water Cycle: New Advances in the Study of Plant Water Dynamics 2020
The growth of ultralong ZnTe micro/nanostructures: the influence of polarity and twin direction on the morphogenesis of nanobelts and nanosheets 2010
