
Title Yearsort ascending
El derecho a la autodeterminación de los pueblos en la protodiplomacia parlamentaria catalana: los casos palestino y saharui 2018
Special Issue on “Joint scrutiny of EU policies: the contribution of inter-parliamentary cooperation”, Perspectives on Federalism 2018
“Inter-parliamentary cooperation as a means for reinforcing joint scrutiny in the EU: upgrading existing mechanisms and creating new ones” 2018
Conclusions: Parliamentary Diplomacy as a Global Phenomenon 2017
Parliamentary Diplomacy in European and Global Governance 2017
Mapping the proliferation of parliamentary actors in the Mediterranean: facilitating or hindering cooperation? 2017
Southern Europe – Portugal, Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus 2017
Introduction: The Rise of Parliamentary Diplomacy in International Politics 2017
´EU national Parliaments and the recognition of Palestine: “Really” breaking new ground or “just” adding further support?´ 2016
“Multi-level Governance in the Mediterranean: What roles for parliamentary assemblies?” 2016
The French Parliament and the conflicts in Libya and Syria 2016
“The Rise of Parliamentary Diplomacy in International Politics” 2016
Mapping the parliamentary field in the Mediterranean: how many actors? 2016
´Parliamentary Diplomacy Uncovered: European and Global Perspectives´ 2016
Parliamentary diplomacy in the Mediterranean 2016
´The European Parliament´s contribution to the R2P debate: lessons from the Libyan and Syrian conflicts´ 2016
The European Parliament and its International Relations 2015
Inter-parliamentary cooperation in electoral monitoring 2015
´The European Parliament and Interregional Dialogue: the Case of Responsibility to Protect´ 2015
‘Crisis and De-Europeanization’ 2015
