
Title Yearsort ascending
Analysis of academic productivity based on Complex Networks 2015
Dynamical transition in the D=3 Edwards-Anderson spin glass in an external magnetic field 2014
Janus II: A new generation application-driven computer for spin-system simulations 2014
The three-dimensional Ising spin glass in an external magnetic field: The role of the silent majority 2014
Critical parameters of the three-dimensional Ising spin glass 2013
The Janus project: Boosting spin-glass simulations using FPGAs 2013
Spin glass simulations on the Janus architecture: A desperate quest for strong scaling 2013
An FPGA-based supercomputer for Statistical Physics: the weird case of Janus 2013
Thermodynamic glass transition in a spin glass without time-reversal symmetry 2012
Reconfigurable computing for Monte Carlo simulations: Results and prospects of the Janus project 2012
Structural and Dynamical Patterns on Online Social Networks: the Spanish May 15th Movement as a case study 2011
Sample-to-sample fluctuations of the overlap distributions in the three-dimensional Edwards-Anderson spin glass 2011
Inverse Symmetry Breaking on the lattice: an accurate MC study 1999
A lattice Monte Carlo study of Inverse Symmetry Breaking in a two scalar model in three dimensions 1998
A Monte Carlo study of Inverse Symmetry Breaking 1998
Study of the Coulomb-Higgs transition in the Abelian Higgs Model 1998
Continuum limit of finite temperature lambda phi(4)(3) from lattice Monte Carlo 1997
Finite temperature lambda phi4 model from lattice Monte Carlo 1997
3d Spin Glass and 2d Ferromagnetic XY model: a Comparison 1997
Antiferromagnetism in four dimensions: search for non-triviality 1997
