
Title Yearsort ascending
Accurate determination of the chiral indices of individual carbon nanotubes by combining electron diffraction and Resonant Raman spectroscopy 2016
Study of collective radial breathing-like modes in double-walled carbon nanotubes: combination of continuous two-dimensional membrane theory and Raman spectr... 2016
Hierarchical Nanoplatforms for High‐Performance Enzyme Biocatalysis under Denaturing Conditions 2016
Radial collapse of carbon nanotubes for conductivity optimized polymer composites 2016
Oxidation-assisted graphene heteroepitaxy on copper foil 2016
3D Visualization of the Iron Oxidation State in FeO/Fe3O4 Core–Shell Nanocubes from Electron Energy Loss Tomography 2016
Doped carbon nanostructure for cold-field emission guns: Structural and EELS studies 2016
Tuning the plasmonic response up: Hollow cuboid metal nanostructures 2016
Smallest Bimetallic CoPt3 Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles 2016
High-temperature stable gold nanoparticle catalysts for application under severe conditions: the role of TiO2 nanodomains in structure and activity 2015
Atomic structural studies on thin single-crystalline misfit-layered nanotubes of TbS-CrS2 2015
Local TEM Spectroscopic Studies on Carbon-and Boron Nitride-Based Nanomaterials 2015
Advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy: Applications to Nanomaterials 2015
Continuous-mode laser ablation at the solid–liquid interface of pelletized low-cost materials for the production of luminescent silicon carbide nanocrystals 2015
Fully Crystalline Faceted Fe–Au Core–Shell Nanoparticles 2015
SERS detection of amyloid oligomers on metallorganic-decorated plasmonic beads 2015
Engineering microencapsulation of highly catalytic gold nanoclusters for an extreme thermal stability 2015
Boron nitride materials: an overview from 0D to 3D (nano) structures 2015
One-dimensional molecular crystal of phthalocyanine confined into single-walled carbon nanotubes 2015
Exfoliated semiconducting pure 2H-MoS 2 and 2H-WS 2 assisted by chlorosulfonic acid 2015
