
Title Yearsort ascending
Estudio del endometrio refractario. 2008
The nature of HHL 73 from optical imaging and integral field spectroscopy 2008
Effect of Fe buffer layer on the antiphase boundaries density of epitaxial Fe3O4 2008
Integral field spectroscopy of HH 262: the spectral atlas 2008
Seasonal variability of dry matter content and its relationship to shoot growth and non-structural carbohydrates 2008
Disassortative mating, sexual specialization and the evolution of gender dimorphism in heterodichogamous Acer opalus. 2008
The Barcelona Process, twelve years on: a critical overview 2008
Morphological Transformations of Galaxies in the A901/02 Supercluster from STAGES 2008
Reliability of sex determination in ovine embryos using amelogenin gene (AMEL). 2008
Determinants of male fitness: disentangling between intra- and inter-sexual selection. 2008
Cation Size Effects in Oxygen ion Dynamics of Highly Disordered Pyrochlore-type Ionic Conductors 2008
Unbinding molecular recognition force maps of localized single receptor molecules by Atomic Force Microscopy 2008
The Gd2-yLayZr2O7 solid solution as a new electrolyte for high and intermediate-temperature SOFC’s 2008
A mitochondrial etiology of neurodegenerative diseases: evidence from Parkinson's disease. 2008
Análisis bioinformático de datos: aplicación en microarrays. 2008
The ALHAMBRA Survey 2008
Atomic Force Microscopy applied to the Study of single Flavoprotein Complexes 2008
Penetración de Internet en Aragón, Evolución 2004-2007 2008
Molecular mechanisms of O-GlcNAcylation. 2008
Environmentally induced changes in carotenoid-based coloration of female lizards: a comment on Vercken et al. 2008
