
Title Yearsort descending
3D-Spectroscopy of Interacting Galaxies 2004
H-Bonding Organocatalysed Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Aromatic and Heteroaromatic Systems with Nitroolefins 2004
A link between sequence conservation and domain motion within the AAA+ family 2004
Use of suicide genes for cancer gene therapy: study of the different approaches. 2004
Magnetic field induced strain in Ni2MnGa melt-spun ribbons 2004
GEMS Imaging of Red-Sequence Galaxies at z~0.7: Dusty or Old? 2004
Evolution and Impact of Bars over the last nine Gyr: Early Results from GEMS 2004
Ovine alpha-amylase genes: Isolation, linkage mapping and association analysis with milk traits in Manchega breed sheep. 2004
Integral field observations of damped Lyman-α galaxies 2004
Integral field spectroscopy of the gravitational lens HE1104-1805 2004
3D-Spectroscopy with PMAS at Calar Alto 2004
Evolution of Optically Faint AGN from the COMBO-17 and GEMS 2004
Vibrational Studies of A(B’2/3B’’1/3)O3 Perovskites (A = Ba, Sr; B’ = Y, Sm, Dy, Gd, In; B’’ = Mo, W) 2004
Global gene expression profiling of human endometrial receptivity. 2004
Magnetic ordering in the monoclinic structure of Nd5Si1.45Ge2.55 and Pr5Si1.5Ge2.5 studied by means of neutron powder diffraction 2004
Gold glyconanoparticles as new tools in antiadhesive tumoral metastasis therapy 2004
Apoptotic pathways are selectively activated by granzyme A and/or granzyme B in CTL-mediated target cell lysis 2004
Mitochondrial DNA and human spermatogenesis. 2004
HE 0047-1756: A new gravitationally lensed double QSO 2004
Pressure enhancement of the giant magnetocaloric effect in Tb5Si2Ge2 2004
