
Titlesort descending Year
A Study of Lithium Insertion in W4Nb26O77: Synthesis and Characterization of New Phases 1996
A Suitable Duplex-PCR for Ovine Embryo Sex and Genotype of PrnP Gene Determination for MOET-based Selection Programmes 2011
A survey for DLA galaxies with integral field spectroscopy 2005
A synergy between the biophysical and the economic: Assessing the global market impacts of soil erosion 2019
A TDR wireless system for volumetric water content measurement 2021
A Theoretical Study of Methylation and CH/π Interactions in DNA Intercalation: Methylated 1,10-Phenanthroline in Adenine-Thymine Base Pairs 2016
A transcriptomic investigation of handicap models in sexual selection 2013
A trapped covalent intermediate of a glycoside hydrolase on the pathway to transglycosylation. Insights from experiments and QM/MM simulations. 2016
A Tutorial on Density Functional Theory 2003
A unified framework based on the binding polynomial for characterizing biological systems by isothermal titration calorimetry 2015
A War on Mobility: the Border Empire Strikes Back? 2019
A weak lensing estimate from GEMS of the virial to stellar mass ratio in massive galaxies to z ~ 0.8 2006
Ab initio calculations of the lattice dynamics of boron nitride nanotubes 2003
Ab Initio Modelling of the Excited State Dynamics of Clusters and Nanostructures With Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory: Linear and Nonlinear Regimes 2010
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics on the Electronic Boltzmann Equilibrium Distribution 2010
Ab initio molecular dynamics on the electronic Boltzmann equilibrium distribution 2010
Aberration-corrected transmission electron microscopy with Zernike phase plates 2022
Ability of PMMA to improve the PC/PVDF interfacial adhesion 1997
Aboriginal mitogenomes reveal 50,000 years of regionalism in Australia 2017
About the relation of electron–electron interaction potentials with exchange and correlation functionals 2018
