
Titlesort descending Year
Abrupt GaP/Si hetero-interface using bistepped Si buffer 2015
Absence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Natural Environment Exposure in Sheep in Close Contact with Humans 2021
Absortion and trnaslocation to the aerial part of carbon nanoparticles through the root of different crop plants 2010
Abundances and kinematics of a candidate sub-damped Lymanα galaxy toward PHL 1226 2005
AC magnetic susceptibility of a molecular magnet submonolayer directly patterned onto a microSQUID sensor 2011
Accelerated degradation of methylammonium lead iodide perovskites induced by exposure to iodine vapour 2016
Acceleration of Quantum Optimal Control Theory Algorithms with Mixing Strategies 2009
Accession to the European Union: Implications for Turkish Agro-Food Sectors 2008
Accounting for molecular flexibility in photoionization: case of tert-butyl hydroperoxide 2022
Accounting for Raw Material Embodied in Imports by Multi-regional Input-Output Modelling and Life Cycle Assessment, Using Finland as a Study Case
Accurate determination of the chiral indices of individual carbon nanotubes by combining electron diffraction and Resonant Raman spectroscopy 2016
Acellular Urethra: a Platform for Urinary Sphincter Bioengineering 2017
Acellular Urethra: a Platform for Urinary Sphincter Bioengineering 2017
Achieving Giant Magnetically Induced Reorientation of Martensitic Variants in Magnetic Shape-Memory Ni–Mn–Ga Films by Microstructure Engineering 2015
Acid gases partial pressure above a 50 wt% aqueous methyldiethanolamine solution: Experimental work and modeling 2010
Acid sphingomyelinase is a critical regulator of cytotoxic granule secretion by primary T lymphocytes 2009
Activated allogeneic NK cells preferentially kill poor prognosis B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells 2016
Activated human primary NK cells efficiently kill colorectal cancer cells in 3D spheroid cultures irrespectively of the level of PD-L1 expression 2018
Activating a Peroxo Ligand for C-O Bond Formation 2019
Activation of endothelial and epithelial KCa2.3 calcium-activated potassium channels by NS309 relaxes human small pulmonary arteries and bronchioles. 2012
