ARAID has launched an international call for applications to fill up to 18 research positions in different research areas. The call for applications is open to any candidate that fits the requirements of mobility, academic background and postdoctoral experience. Only outstanding candidates with excellent research record and leadership capabilities will be considered. It is expected that the successful candidates will boost teams at Research Centres and Companies. ARAID researchers are expected to make a substantial contributions to their areas of research and be active members of teh regional science-technology system. Applications must be submitted electronically through this website before 14.00h (GMT) April 3rd 2012.
Contracts will be of full time dedication and for a maximum duration of 2 years. Public research Institutions as well as private companies may act as Host Institutions for the ARAIDEU candidates. For questions about the ARAIDEU call please write an email to araideu(at)
The final number of researchers to be hired depends on the quality of the proposals and budget availability.
Requisites for the candidates:
Research Experience: Candidates must be in possession of a doctoral degree and have at least six years of full-time equivalent research experience: Depending on their research experience they will be considered as:
- Experienced fellows : PhDs with 6 to 10 years of research experience
- Very experienced fellows: PhDs with more than 10 years of experience and an research stage of at least two years in a research institution/company located in a different country to the one were obtained its PhD.
Mobility: Comply with one of these two types of trans-national mobility taken into account by the ARAID-EU Programme:
Incoming mobility for non-residents in Spain or residents that have not resided for more than 12 months in the past 3 years;
Re-integration of Member State or Associated Country nationals, non-residents in Spain, having carried out research in a third country (Third countries which are neither EU Member States nor associated to FP7) for at least 3 years, to establish them in a longer-term career after this trans-national mobility period.
The selection procedure of ARAIDEU Fellowship Program will consist of three phases:
1. Publication of the call and reception applications
2. Evaluation of applications
3. Negotiation and Interview: Contract agreement and project start date
Only complete applications will be evaluated, consisting on:
- CV and 2 reference letters in pdf format
- Research Project Description (+ stating the selection panel of choice)
- A declaration of interest & co-financing commitment letter filled by the Host Institution (Research Centre or Company) of choice.
The declaration of interest & commitment letter is to be filled by the Research/Manager that will be immediate responsible of the Researcher once entering the Host Institution team as recruited ARAIDEU fellow, signed by the Legal Entity Appointed Representative (LEAR) of the Research Centre/Company where the candidate wants to develop the project, and sent by mail to Araid prior to the call deadline.
The applications will be assessed by an independent evaluation commission, whose responsibility will be to rank the different candidates according to their merits and potential. Based on this assessment, and on interviews conducted with the best candidates, ARAID will make the corresponding offers, after approval of the Board of Trustees. ARAID will assist with visa and work permit procedures. The contract will be effective only when the selected candidates are able to work legally and effectively start their research projects. Final salary will be negotiated with each researcher. The number of positions granted in each call will depend on the budget availability and quality of the proposals. Selected candidates are expected to start in their positions in August 2012.
Priority areas:
- Biomedicine and health sciences
- Information and communication technology
- Food science and technology
- Social and cultural development
- Environment and sustainability
- Nanosciences and nanotechnology
- Technological development based on new materials and processing
ARAIDEU Project and its related Calls have been co-funded by FP7 Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND programme