Muon-induced backgrounds in the CUORICINO experiment
Muon-induced backgrounds in the CUORICINO experiment.
Astrop. Phys. 34 (2010) 18–24
To better understand the contribution of cosmic ray muons to the CUORICINO background, 10 plastic
scintillator detectors were installed at the CUORICINO site and operated during the final 3 months of
the experiment. From these measurements, an upper limit of 0.0021 counts/(keV kg yr) (95% CL) was
obtained on the cosmic ray-induced background in the neutrinoless double beta decay region of interest. The measurements were also compared to GEANT4 simulations
To better understand the contribution of cosmic ray muons to the CUORICINO background, 10 plastic
scintillator detectors were installed at the CUORICINO site and operated during the final 3 months of
the experiment. From these measurements, an upper limit of 0.0021 counts/(keV kg yr) (95% CL) was
obtained on the cosmic ray-induced background in the neutrinoless double beta decay region of interest. The measurements were also compared to GEANT4 simulations