
Títuloorden ascendente Año
Classical and Quantum simulations of coupled fields 2015
Classical and Quantum simulations of coupled fields 2015
Clasificación de pacientes con cáncer gástrico mediante el análisis de termogramas calorimétricos de muestras de suero sanguíneo: Un análisis preliminar 2014
Circuit QED photonics 2015
Circuit QED Photonics 2015
Ciclo de conferencias sobre la colección pictórica de la Fundación Tatiana Pérez de Guzmán el Bueno, Madrid: Reflejos y Miradas. El Enigma Ramós Zapetti 2016
Ciclo de conferencias Los primeros fotógrafos viajeros por el Alto Aragón: "Fotógrafos y viajeros en torno al balneario de Panticosa, últimas investigaciones" 2015
Cianobacteria: an alternative in river quality monitoring studies 2002
Cianación no Catalizada de N,N-Dialquilhidrazonas Alifáticas en Agua 2007
Chromatographie en couche mince à haute performance (HPTLC)-développement multiple automatique (AMD) et détection par changements d’intensité d’émission (FDIC) de nouveaux fluorophores pour l’analyse de molécules sans chromophores ou avec de pauvres pro 2013
Chilean wildlife in rehabilitation centers: Are they reservoirs of antimicrobial resistance? 2021
Chemical order and microstructure of Sr2CrReO6 double perovskite thin films studied by Cs corrected Z-contrast imaging 2009
Chemical compatibility and electrical conductivity studies in the Gd2-yLayZr2O7/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 system 2008
Characterizing the Mechanical Dissociation of Biological Complexes: from Forces to Free Energies 2015
Characterizing Mechanical Dissociation of Biological Complexes: from Forces to Free Energies 2015
Characterization oftbe ovine lipoprotein lipase (LPL), Scavenger Receptor BI (SCARBl) and alphatocopherol transfer protein (TTPA) genes: it is role in vitarnin E content 2011
Characterization of the terrigenous organic matter distribution in the bottom sediments of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf 2010
Characterization of the putative residues involved in the synthesis of FMN and FAD in FAD synthetase from C. ammoniagenes 2010
Characterization of the putative residues involved in the adenylyltransferase activity in FAD synthetase from Corynebacterium ammoniagenes 2013
Characterization of the ovine alphaS l-casein (CSN1S1) gene and association studies with milk protein content in Manchega sheep breed. 2011
