
Título Añoorden ascendente
Sesión 2 (mesa redonda): Retos socio-económicos de la contaminación y la depuración de aguas residuales en el sector agroalimentario y los municipios de la cuenca del Ebro. 2020
Innovations in antimicrobial food packaging: the role of nanomolecules and encapsulating systems 2020
Border Externalization: Trajectories and future directions for the study of dis/un/re-placed borders. Panel Session C 2020
Portfolio Selection in Quantile Utility Models 2020
The brain and inner ear of derived pterosaurs have similar morphometrics to those of birds 2020
Key findings in the interaction of the human apoptosis inducing factor with its pro-apoptotic partners for degradosome formation 2020
Development of photoactive materials for the removal of persistent organic pollutants (POP’s) from wastewater using solar light 2020
Plataformas dendriméricas para el transporte de fármacos y material genético 2020
Thermal Liquid Biopsy in a colorectal screening program: Preliminary results 2020
“The map precedes the territory”: Thinking through the moral economies in cartographies of border externalization 2020
The Rural Impacts of Solar and Bio-Energy Use in Spanish Decarbonisation Scenarios for 2050 2020
La sala 8 del sótano de Geológicas de la Universidad de Zaragoza: de taller de Cristalografía y Mineralogía a Laboratorio de Paleogenómica del IUCA 2020
Best practices in cooperation between authorities and geoscientists to serve society and ensure adequate protection of our palaeontological heritage 2020
Desarrollo y caracterización de nanoanticuerpos para su uso en el diagnóstico y cirugía guiada por fluorescencia de tumores 2020
Preanalytical study in Thermal Liquid Biopsy (TLB) 2020
Aquaculture Modelling in a General Equilibrium Framework. An Application for the EU 2020
The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for H-2 compared to O-18 2020
New nanomaterials for active food packaging based on antimicrobial and antioxidant polyoxometalates 2020
Experimental and modeling study of the high-temperature combustion chemistry of tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol 2020
