
Título Añoorden ascendente
Size-dependent magnetic properties of magnetoferritin 2008
Magnetic ferritin, Mn12 and nanoparticle nanoarrays fabricated by Dip-Pen Nanolithography 2008
Adquisición simultánea de mapas de topografía y de reconocimiento molecular mediante microscopía de fuerzas atómicas 2007
International Network of Protein Engineering Centres (INPEC) 2007
Atomic Force Microscopy applied to the study of single Protein-Ligand complexes 2007
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy Mapping 2007
Non-contact AFM imaging of single biomolecules in the repulsive electrical double layer regime 2007
New developments in Atomic Force Microscopy for the study of single Protein-Ligand complexes 2007
AFM aplicado a sistemas biológicos: visualización, reconocimiento molecular y estudios nanomecánicos 2006
Double Layer Force in Biomolecule Adsorption Studied by AFM 2006
Development of a diagnosis tool based on the measurement of molecular interactions using CMOS-integrated piezoresistive microcantilevers 2006
Atomic Force Microscopy Jumping Mode To Map Receptor-Ligand Recognition 2005
Atomic Force Microscopy Jumping Mode To Map Receptor-Ligand Recognition 2005
CMOS-integrated, cantilever-based sensor devices: the Biofinger Project 2004
Espectroscopía de Fuerzas con Moléculas Biológicas Individuales 2004
Wild-type and mutant flavodoxin reduction by Photosystem I in the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7119 2001
Kinetics and thermodynamics of FMN binding to Anabæna apoflavodoxin 2000
Overexpression of secA, secE, secY, secG and mutant forms of secA to modify the protein translocase complex in Streptomyces lividans 2000
Transferencia de electrones desde el Fotosistema I a la flavodoxina: estudio cinético de mutantes de la flavoproteína 1999
ENDOR and HYSCORE characterization of flavoprotein semiquinones in relation to protein function 1998
