
Título Añoorden ascendente
3D Structure and biochemical characterization of the aspartate transcarbamoylase domain of human CAD 2015
Análisis GWAS para caracteres de estacionalidad reproductiva en ovino. 2015
Oxygen permeation flux through 10Sx1YSZ-MnCo2O4 asymmetric membranes developed by two-step sinteing 2015
1. Role of SK3 channels in erectile function in mice 2. Genetic deficit of KCa3.1 channels protects against pulmonary circulatory collapse induced by TRPV4 channel activation 2015
Kinetics and thermodynamics of CPZ interaction with lipid bilayers: Effect of charge and cholesterol 2015
Small States in the EU: Cyprus and Malta 2015
Dynamic interplay between catalytic and lectin domains of GalNAc-transferases modulates protein O-glycosylation. 2015
Spin-to-charge current conversion in Pt, Au and Bi 2015
The use of bromadiolone to control vole outbreaks is passed to non-target species. 2015
Circuit QED photonics 2015
Effect of laser-assisted embryo biopsy and developmental stage on embryo survival at term in sheep. 2015
Strain and cation stoichiometry in epitaxial BaTiO3 thin films grown on silicon (Oral) 2015
Soil fauna: key to soil organic matter dynamics and modelling 2015
Dirección del Congreso Internacional: I Jornadas sobre Investigación en Historia de la Fotografía. 1839-1939: Un siglo de fotografía, IFC (CSIC) y Universidad de Zaragoza, 28-30 de octubre de 2015. 2015
Packaging absorbent pads coated with pinosylvin inclusion complexes with cyclodextrins for Campylobacter jejuni control 2015
Repositioning SOM0226 as a potent inhibitor of transthyretin amyloidogenesis and its associated cellular toxicity 2015
Classical and Quantum simulations of coupled fields 2015
EU Agricultural domestic support in GTAP: A proposal for an alternative approach 2015
R2P in Libya and Syria: what role for the European Parliament, the French Parliament, and the British Parliament? 2015
Search for Dark Matter with CUORE 2014
