
Título Añoorden ascendente
Modelling the common agricultural policy: general equilibrium effects of the 2014-2020 budget agreement 2014
Application of AMD to petrochemical analysis: improved separation and expanded Hydrocarbon Group Type Analysis of heavy petroleum products 2014
Everything matters in a promoter. New insights on the ovine HSP90AA1gene regulation. 2014
Inhibitory effect of resveratrol encapsulated in hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin against Arcobacter butzleri 2014
La mirada de los grandes maestros de la fotografía sobre la arquitectura y la ciudad (II). Del pictorialismo a la fotografía directa o "straight photography": Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, Paul Strand y Charles Sheeler 2014
Macrofauna edáfica y calidad del suelo en áreas rehabilitadas de una mina de carbón en Colombia 2014
Electrical detection of ferromagnetic resonance in nanostructures 2014
Fluorescence Detection by Intensity Changes (FDIC), a useful analytical tool for complex mixtures based on non-covalent interactions 2014
Post-Lisbon Democratic Control and Legitimacy of EU Foreign Policy 2014
Identifying protein-protein interaction inhibitors for NUPR1, a key therapeutic target in pancreatic cancer 2014
Iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications 2014
Continuous frequency conversion in the sin- gle photon limit Invited talk 2014
The parliamentary dimension of EU external affairs during the 2014 Greek Presidency 2014
Rescuing the antiviral activity in cell culture in selected in vitro compounds against hepatitis C virus by using cyclodextrins 2014
Strain-Induced Multiferroicity in SrMnO3 Thin Films 2014
Accuracy of bis(methyltio)gliotoxin in diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Comparison with galactomannan 2014
Y- chromosomal haplotype analysis in two Tunisian sheep breeds. 2014
I Yruela, P Ferreira, B Contreras-Moreira, M Medina (2014) Predicted structure and function of divergent members of prokaryotic flavin adenine dinucleotide synthetase (FADS) proteins 2014
New treatment strategies for Multiple Sclerosis: The MSchannelomics project. 2014
Berberrubine: a FDIC fluorophore for determining saturated hydrocarbons with a simple calibration, via non-covalent interactions and signal amplification from a keto-enol tautomerism tion 2014
