
Título Añoorden ascendente
An on-line, hyphenated technique based on AMD-FDIC-MS for separating and quantitatively determining biomarkers of Lysosomal Storage Diseases in human fluids 2014
Searches for Dark Matter: status and prospects 2014
Plant cytochrome c1 exhibits two binding sites for cytochrome c with distinct affinities 2014
Electron microscopy for magnetic materials: Lorentz microscopy and magnetic holography 2014
Divergent patterns of age and environmental dependence in two melanin-based traits in males of common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus). 2014
The parliamentary dimension of (inter-)regional EU relations with the Mediterranean: does the European Parliament promote its security priorities efficiently through the UfM-Parliamentary Assembly? 2014
Use of viral vectors and nanoparticles for stem cell imaging. Nanoparticle modification of adenoviruses for car negative cells 2014
Modelling the common agricultural policy: general equilibrium effects of the 2014-2020 budget agreement 2014
Application of AMD to petrochemical analysis: improved separation and expanded Hydrocarbon Group Type Analysis of heavy petroleum products 2014
Everything matters in a promoter. New insights on the ovine HSP90AA1gene regulation. 2014
Inhibitory effect of resveratrol encapsulated in hydroxypropyl-γ-cyclodextrin against Arcobacter butzleri 2014
La mirada de los grandes maestros de la fotografía sobre la arquitectura y la ciudad (II). Del pictorialismo a la fotografía directa o "straight photography": Alfred Stieglitz, Edward Steichen, Paul Strand y Charles Sheeler 2014
Macrofauna edáfica y calidad del suelo en áreas rehabilitadas de una mina de carbón en Colombia 2014
Magnetic configurations of Co antidot arrays by Lorentz microscopy 2013
SKA-111, a Positive KCa Channel Gating Modulator with Selectivity for KCa3.1 2013
Novel potent small molecule modulators of cardiac KCa2 and KCa3.1 channels: Potential utility for treating cardiac ischemia and atrial fibrillation. 2013
Continuous atmospheric 222Rn concentration measurements to study surface-air exchange at the station of Gredos and Iruelas, in Central Spain 2013
Source- and degradation-diagnostic of colloidal organic matter exported by rivers across the Eurasian Arctic margin 2013
Atomic Force Microscopy unravels that FurA and FurB interact with iron-boxes-containing promoters through different binding patterns 2013
Modulation of the reductase activity of the human Apoptosis inducing factor by its redox induced dimerization 2013
