
Título Añoorden ascendente
Novel potent small molecule modulators of coronary endothelial KCa2 and KCa3.1 channels 2013
From the femto- to the atto-second time scale: analysis and control of the electronic motion with time-dependent density-functional theory 2013
Funcionamiento área SPM del LMA 2013
Magnetic configurations of Co antidot arrays by Lorentz microscopy 2013
SKA-111, a Positive KCa Channel Gating Modulator with Selectivity for KCa3.1 2013
Novel potent small molecule modulators of cardiac KCa2 and KCa3.1 channels: Potential utility for treating cardiac ischemia and atrial fibrillation. 2013
Continuous atmospheric 222Rn concentration measurements to study surface-air exchange at the station of Gredos and Iruelas, in Central Spain 2013
Source- and degradation-diagnostic of colloidal organic matter exported by rivers across the Eurasian Arctic margin 2013
Atomic Force Microscopy unravels that FurA and FurB interact with iron-boxes-containing promoters through different binding patterns 2013
Modulation of the reductase activity of the human Apoptosis inducing factor by its redox induced dimerization 2013
Analysis and control of the electronic motion with time-dependent density-functional theory: new developments in the octopus code 2013
NS3 Protease from Hepatitis C Virus: Biophysical Characterization of a Partially Disordered Protein Domain 2013
ClimaDat: A long-term network to study at different scales climatic processes and interactions between climatic compartments 2013
Discrimination of protein receptors through quantitative adhesion force maps 2013
Cosmopolitanism and the Democratization of World Society: What role for International Parliamentary Institutions (IPIs)? 2013
Structural analysis of the regulation of the DYNLL/LC8 binding to Nek9 by phosphorylation 2013
Plasmon Mapping for the Analysis of III-V Nitride Distributed Bragg Reflectors 2013
Bis-MPA dendritic derivatives as gene delivery agents 2013
Reponse of parylene-coated NaI(Tl) scintillators at low temperature 2013
Specific cytolytic mechanisms are differentially involved in bacterial clearance and sepsis during a gram-negative bacterial infection 2013
