
Título Añoorden ascendente
Interacciones biomoleculares 2013
STEM tools for atomic polarity assignment in semiconductor nanostructures 2013
Cantalapiedra,C.P. [...] Vogel,J., Catalan,P. and Contreras-Moreira,B. (2013) Chloroplast genome assemblies help reconstruct Brachypodium history 2013
Molecular imaging of the mesenchymal stem cells migratory properties towards different pathologies. 2013
Antimalarial activity of cupredoxins: The interaction of Plasmodium merozoite surface protein 1-19 (MSP1-19) and rusticyanin 2013
The course of bismethylGliotoxin detection in serum from patients with probable aspergillosis and the effect of voriconazole treatment 2013
Domain wall depinning in notched Co50Fe50 nanowires by in-situ Lorentz microscopy 2013
Cryo-Electron Holography magnetic characterization of manganite-based tunnel junctions 2012
Probing the magnetization processes in FEBID Co nanowires by in situ Lorentz Microscopy 2012
Sugar and spice and all things nice? Assessing the impacts of the 2006 EU sugar reform 2012
Populationsdynamik der Waldeidechse: Auswirkungen der sexuellen Selektion 2012
Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy as a Tool to Analyze Protein-Ligand Interactions: the case of Ferredoxin-NADP+ Reductase Complexes 2012
Quantum Propagating microwaves 2012
Atomic Force Microscopy Unravels the Formation of Corynebacterium ammoniagenes FAD Synthetase Dimer of Trimers 2012
Activation of old carbon by erosion of coastal and subsea permafrost in Arctic Siberia 2012
a bright source of chiral quantum light 2012
Self-assembled GaN nanowires nucleated on diamond substrate: direct polarity measurements, epitaxy and luminescence properties 2012
Polarity assignment in ZnTe, GaAs, ZnO and GaN-AlN nanowires from direct dumbbell analysis by means of aberration corrected HAADF and ABF STEM 2012
Endometrial receptivity array (ERA) with different luteal support protocols after triggering final oocyte maturation with GnRH agonist. 2012
