
Título Añoorden ascendente
Adición Organocatalítica Enantioselectiva de TMSCN a N,N-dialquilhidrazonas 2009
Assessment of bacterial physiology and plasmid stability: application to plasmid DNA production by Escherichia coli 2009
Interacción proteína-ligando 2009
Development and optimization of flow cytometric methods for bioprocess monitoring 2009
Andreev Reflection in FEBID-Co - FIBID-W nanocontacts 2009
Caracterización biofísica de interacciones dendrímero-proteína en el ensamblaje de la cápsida del HIV-1 2009
Screening, identification and in vitro assays of new potent and selective compounds against hepatitis C virus NS3 protease 2009
Calorimetric studies of potential NS3 protease inhibitors 2009
Transport properties of individual Bi nanowires contacted by Dual Beam 2009
Drug development against NS3 protease: Implications from conformational equilibrium and zinc binding 2009
”Small meat” or equal partners? Cyprus and Malta as EU members, five years on 2009
Granzyme A activates a pro-inflammatory cytokine response in macrophages 2009
¿A quién beneficia la web 2.0? 2009
The Heisenberg spin glass Edwards-Anderson model in three dimensions 2009
Anomalous Hall Effect in ferromagnetic thin films over a wide conductivity range 2009
The EMPA and the EUROLAT compared: is there a European model of interregional parliamentary cooperation? 2009
La Ley española de administración electrónica 2009
Transport properties of individual Bi nanowires contacted by Dual Beam 2009
Democratization and regionalization in Russia 2008
