
Título Añoorden ascendente
New strategy for adenovirus tropism modification on mesenchymal stem cells infection 2009
Remobilization and degradation of Muostakh Island (Laptev Sea), as part of the collapsing Arctic coastal ice complex 2009
Z-contrast STEM imaging of B cation ordering and microstructure of Sr2CrReO6 double perovskite thin films 2009
The effect of efflux pumps inhibitors on the transport of ethidium bromide and antimicrobials across Mycobacterium smegmatis cell wall. 2009
Chemical order and microstructure of Sr2CrReO6 double perovskite thin films studied by Cs corrected Z-contrast imaging 2009
Historical interactions of climate and defoliation by the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) 2009
Threshold Quantile Autoregressive Models 2009
Estudio de la variabilidad del gen de la alpha-s1-caseina (csn1s1) en ovino 2009
Tailoring High Order Harmonics: A Computational Approach Based on Time Dependent Density Functional Theory 2009
Magnetic and crystallographic phase-diagram of Ho5(SixGe1−x)4 2009
Dynamics of the terrestrial particulate material and organic carbon derived from thawed permafrost in the East-Siberian Sea and adjacent part of the Laptev Sea 2009
Reacción Organocatalítica Intramolecular Tipo Rauhut-Currier via Activación de Dienamina 2009
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics: A Mixed Quantum Classical Dynamics with the Correct Equilibrium Distribution 2009
The Muostakh Island case as an example of destabilization of the Arctic coastal Ice Complex 2009
Cell death induced on macrophages by mycobacterium tuberculosis or attenuated strain so2 2009
Single-Protein Control on Nanoarrays generated by Dip-Pen Nanolithography 2009
”Small meat” or equal partners? Cyprus and Malta as EU members, five years on 2009
La Ley española de administración electrónica 2009
Andreev Reflection in FEBID-Co - FIBID-W nanocontacts 2009
Granzyme A activates a pro-inflammatory cytokine response in macrophages 2009
