
Título Añoorden ascendente
Development of a diagnosis tool based on the measurement of molecular interactions using CMOS-integrated piezoresistive microcantilevers 2006
Dry Mergers in GEMS: The Dynamical Evolution of Massive Early-Type Galaxies 2006
Enfermedades metabólicas por alteración del DNA mitocondrial 2006
Observation of a Griffiths-like phase in the magnetocaloric compound Tb5Si2Ge2 2006
Phoebe at True Opposition: Multiwavelength Phase Curves 2006
GRB 060605, observations using an integral field unit. 2006
Differences of sperm motility in mitochondrial DNA haplogroup U sublineages. 2006
Deep GEMINI GMOS-IFU spectroscopy of BAL QSOs: I. Decoupling the BAL, QSO, starburst, NLR, supergiant bubbles and galactic wind in Mrk 231 2006
Extended Lyman-α emission around bright quasars 2006
Young stars in high-z QSO host galaxies 2006
Integral field spectroscopy with GEMINI: Extragalactic star cluster in NGC1275 2006
Seeing the Sky through Hubble's Eye: The COSMOS SkyWalker 2006
Phase Transfer Catalyzed Enantioselective Strecker Reaction of alfa-Amido Sulfones with Cyanohydrins 2006
Mitochondrial genetic variability of North Morocco population 2006
Evaluation of the conservation status of threatened lichens list from coastal areas of the Valencian Community (Eastern Spain). 2006
octopus: a tool for the application of time-dependent density functional theory 2006
Enantioselective Aza-Henry Reaction Using Cinchona Organocatalysts 2006
Una planta prepirenaica críticamente amenazada, genética y conservación de Borderea chouardii. 2006
Lugares de acceso público a Internet en Aragón 2006
Recurrence of the Blue Wing Enhancements in the High-Ionization Lines of SDSS 1004+4112A 2006
