
Título Añoorden ascendente
Thermodynamic evidence for Ca2+-mediated self-aggregation of Lewis X gold glyconanoparticles. A model for cell adhesion via carbohydrate-carbohydrate interaction 2005
Empirical limits for template-based protein structure prediction: the CASP5 example 2005
Herpesvirus saimiri-transformed CD8 T cells as a tool to study Chediak-Higashi syndrome cytolytic lymphocyte 2005
Abundances and kinematics of a candidate sub-damped Lymanα galaxy toward PHL 1226 2005
Direct application of the INNO-LiPA Rif.TB assay for the rapid identification of M. tuberculosis complex strains and detection of rifampin resistance in 360 smear positive respiratory specimens from an area of high incidence of multi-drug resistant TB 2005
Young and Explosive BAL QSOs (at low and high redshifts) 2005
Biotecnología aplicada al esquema de selección de la raza caprina de Guadarrama. 2005
Mitochondrial Sequence Reveals High Levels of Gene Flow Between Breeds of Domestic Sheep from Asia and Europe. 2005
Quasar Host Galaxies of GEMS, First Results: 0.5 < z < 2.75 2005
Pressure effect on magnetic and magnetotransport properties of intermetallic and colossal magnetoresistance oxide compounds 2005
Deep Gemini GMOS IFU Spectroscopy of BAL + IR + Fe II QSOs 2005
Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. Is endometrial receptivity altered in COH cycles? 2005
Crowded field 3D spectroscopy of LBV candidates in M 33 2005
Multi-step and anomalous reproducible behavior of the electrical resistivity near the first-order magnetostructural transition of Gd5(Si0.1Ge0.9)4 2005
Physical properties of lensed high-redshift galaxies 2005
Mifepristone is an effective oral alternative for the prevention of premature luteinizing hormone surges and/or premature luteinization in women undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation for in vitro fertilization. 2005
GEMS: The Surface Brightness and Surface Mass Density Evolution of Disk Galaxies 2005
Cosmological weak lensing with the HST GEMS survey 2005
Similar endometrial development in oocyte donors treated with either high- or standard-dose GnRH antagonist compared to treatment with a GnRH agonist or in natural cycles. 2005
Effect of controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in IVF on endometrial gene expression profiles. 2005
