
Títuloorden descendente Año
Quantum chaos in an ultra-strongly coupled bosonic junction 2014
Quantum dot bioconjugates: emerging tools with great potential to study protein interactions and dynamics by fret 2010
Quantum dots protected with tipronin: A new fluorescent system for cell biology studies 2005
Quantum interference effects on the intensity of the G modes in double-walled carbon nanotubes 2017
Quantum Navigation and Ranking in Complex Networks 2012
Quantum Optimal Control 2012
Quantum optimal control theory in the linear response formalism 2011
Quasar Host Galaxies of GEMS, First Results: 0.5 < z < 2.75 2005
Quasi–1D Anhydrite Nanobelts from the Sustainable Liquid Exfoliation of Terrestrial Gypsum for Future Martian-based Electronics 2023
Quaternary organization in a bifunctional prokaryotic FAD synthetase: involvement of an arginine at its adenylyltransferase module on the riboflavin kinase activity 2015
Quaternary organization in a bifunctional prokaryotic FAD synthetase: Involvement of an arginine at its adenylyltransferase module on the riboflavin kinase activity 2015
Rabbit haemorrhagic disease: Cross-protection and comparative pathogenicity of GI.2/RHDV2/b and GI.1b/RHDV lagoviruses in a challenge trial 2018
Radial collapse of carbon nanotubes for conductivity optimized polymer composites 2016
Radio- and chemo-sensitization by caspase-1 in vitro and in vivo. 2005
Radioactive labeling of milk derivate exosomes with 99mTc and in vivo tracking by SPECT imaging. 2020
Rainfall impact on ageing casts of a tropical anecic earthworm 2007
Raman spectroscopy of boron nitride nanotubes and boron nitride—carbon composites 2005
Raman spectroscopy of Single-Walled BN-NTs 2006
Raman Spectroscopy of Single‐wall BN Nanotubes 2003
Raman spectroscopy on individual identified carbon nanotubes 2012
