
Títuloorden ascendente Año
"El daguerrotipo más antiguo recuperado en Aragón (1844)" 2022
"El cielo al alcance de sus manos: aquellos gabinetes fotográficos zaragozanos del Coso (1856-1887)" 2023
"El balneario de Panticosa (Huesca), medio siglo de miradas fotográficas (1865-1915)" 2023
"Aragón en la fotografía estereoscópica de los hermanos Júdez (1860-1876)" 2020
"Al rescate del patrimonio fotográfico oculto: El proyecto Aragón Photo (2018-2020)" 2022
“The Rise of Parliamentary Diplomacy in International Politics” 2016
“El pionero de la fotografía, José Zanetti y sus primeras experiencias fotográficas en Roma, según Federico de Madrazo” 2019
‘‘Civilian Power Europe’ and the Syrian Conflict’ 2019
­A proactive role of water molecules in acceptor recognition by Protein-O-fucosyltransferase 2. 2016
«Aragón Photo» rescata el retrato al daguerrotipo de Mariano Supervía Lostalé / «Aragón Photo» rescues the daguerreotype portrait of Mariano Supervía Lostalé 2021
[Libro:] II Jornadas sobre investigación en historia de la fotografía. 1839-1939: Un siglo de fotografía / II Conference on Research in History of Photography. 1839-1939: A century of photography 2018
X-ray Structures decipher the Non-equivalence of Serine and Threonine O-glycosylation points: Implications for the Molecular Recognition of the Tn Antigen by an anti-MUC1 Antibody. 2015
The closed conformation of the LDL receptor is destabilized by the low Ca++ concentration but favored by the high Mg++ concentration in the endosome. 2016
Structural and magnetotransport properties of Bi thin films grown by thermal evaporation 2010
Role of the surface states in the magnetotransport properties of ultrathin bismuth films 2010
Quantitative analysis of the weak anti-localization effect in ultrathin bismuth films 2011
Probing the Anharmonicity of the Potential Well for a Magnetic Vortex Core in a Nanodot 2013
Non-Tariff Measures (NTMs) and Intra-African Trade 2021
Light yield determination in large sodium iodide detectors applied in the search for dark matter 2017
Integrating bioinformatic resources to predict transcription factors interacting with cis-sequences conserved in co-regulated genes 2014
