
Título Añoorden ascendente
Isolation ,mapping and identification of SNPs for four genes (ACP6, CGN, ANXA9, SLC27A3) from a Bovine QTL Region on BTA3 2006
Adaptive selection of mitochondrial complex I subunits during primate radiation. 2006
Gemini GMOS IFU Study of BAL QSOs: Decoupling the BAL QSO, Starburst, NLR and Supergiant Bubbles 2006
Caspase-1 as a radio- and chemosensitizer in vitro and in vivo. 2006
Composition Dependence of the Dispersive Nature of the ac Conductivity in Ionic Conductors Gd2Ti2-yZryO7 and Li0.5-xNaxLa0.5TiO3 2006
A weak lensing estimate from GEMS of the virial to stellar mass ratio in massive galaxies to z ~ 0.8 2006
La sociedad de la información en las Comunidades Autónomas: Aragón 2006
Techniques for reducing fiber-fed and integral-field spectroscopy data: An implementation on R3D 2006
The giant Lyα nebula associated with a z=2.5 radio galaxy 2006
PMAS: The Potsdam Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer. II. The Wide Integral Field Unit PPak 2006
Structural, Microstructural and Vibrational Characterization of Apatite-type Lanthanum Silicates Prepared by Mechanical Milling 2006
Comparative footprinting of DNA-binding proteins 2006
Le web public communal dans trois régions du Sud-Ouest européen 2006
Room-temperature Synthesis of Apatite-type Lanthanum Silicates by Mechanically Milling Constituent Oxides 2006
VIMOS-VLT and Spitzer observations of a radio galaxy at z= 2.5* 2006
Magnetic and crystal structures of Er5(SixGe1-x)4 2006
Glyconanoparticles: Types, synthesis and applications in glycoscience, biomedicine and material science 2006
Clinical and functional characterization of a human ORNT1 mutation (T32R) in the hyperornithinemia-hyperammonemia-homocitrullinuria (HHH) syndrome. 2006
The role of the leptin in reproduction. 2006
Highly Enantioselective Phase-Transfer-Catalyzed aza-Henry Reaction 2006
