
Título Añoorden ascendente
Quantum dots protected with tipronin: A new fluorescent system for cell biology studies 2005
A survey for DLA galaxies with integral field spectroscopy 2005
Globally dispersed Y chromosomal haplotypes in wild and domestic sheep 2005
The Space Telescope A901/902 Galaxy Evolution Survey (STAGES): probing environmental drivers of galaxy evolution with HST 2005
Integral Field Spectroscopy of the Central Regions of 3C 120: Evidence of a Past Merging Event 2005
Cooperative Oxygen Dynamics in Fuel Cell Materials Gd2Ti2-yZryO7 2005
Observations of AGNs with the 2m telescope of Rozhen observatory: Aims and preliminary results 2005
Phase Transfer Catalysed Asymmetric Aza-Henry Reaction using N-Carbamoyl Imines Generated in Situ from alfa-Amido Sulfones 2005
Tat-peptide as an efficient molecule to translocate gold nanoparticles into cell nucleus 2005
Tamus L. 2005
Mouse granulocytes do not express granzyme A, granzyme B and perforin, independent of their activation state: similarities or differences with human polymorphonuclear leukocytes? 2005
Hydrostatic-pressure control of the magnetostructural phase transition in Gd5Si2Ge2 single crystals. 2005
The ALHAMBRA Survey: For a systematic Study of Cosmic Evolution 2005
Inhibition of dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase (DDAH) and arginine deiminase (ADI) by pentafluorophenyl (PFP) sulfonates. 2005
Glyco-quantum dots: A new luminescent system with multivalent carbohydrate display 2005
Embryo Interactions in Human Implantation 2005
Gold nanoparticles with different capping systems: an electronic and structural XAS analysis 2005
Sexaje de embriones en ovino mediante PCR específica y PCR-DUPLEX. 2005
mtDNA mutations increase tumorigenicity in prostate cancer. 2005
Thermopower and electrical resistivity behavior near the martensitic transition in Gd5(SixGe1-x)4 magnetocaloric compounds 2005
