
Títuloorden descendente Año
The End of A Romance? A Note on the Quantitative impacts of Brexit 2015
The Energy Landscape of Uranyl Peroxide Species 2014
The erythrocyte osmotic resistance test as screening tool for cholesterol-related lysosomal storage diseases. 2018
The Essential Role of Waters in the Reaction Mechanism of Protein O-Fucosyl Transferase 2 2022
The EU and the Mediterranean: was security ever off the agenda? 2009
The EU as an international actor: what kind of international actor? 2011
The EU Budget Battle: Assessing the Trade and Welfare Impacts of CAP Budgetary Reform 2015
The European Parliament and its International Relations 2015
The European Parliament and the Debate over Sarkozy’s Mediterranean Initiative: A Preliminary Assessment 2009
The European Parliament, R2P and the Venezuelan crisis 2020
The European Parliament, Russia and the War in Ukraine: R2P and beyond 2023
The Eurozone crisis’ impact: a de-Europeanization of Greek and Portuguese foreign policies? 2021
The evolution of avian intelligence and sensory capabilities: the fossil evidence 2018
The Evolution of Bars and Disks as a Function of Environment in STAGES 2007
The Evolution of Early-Type Red Galaxies with the GEMS Survey: Luminosity-Size and Stellar Mass-Size Relations Since z=1 2005
The evolution of QSO host colours 2006
The FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae: a bifunctional enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
The FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae: a bifunctional enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
The FAD synthetase from the human pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae: A bifunctional enzyme exhibiting activity-dependent redox requirements 2017
The fewer and the better: prioritization of populations for conservation under limited resources, a study with Borderea pyrenaica (Dioscoreaceae) in the Pyrenean National Park. 2010
