
Títuloorden descendente Año
´Conclusions: international role and impact of the European Parliament´ 2015
´Conclusions´ 2013
´Cyprus - The limits of European Solidarity with a small member state´ 2013
´EU national Parliaments and the recognition of Palestine: “Really” breaking new ground or “just” adding further support?´ 2016
´EUROLAT: la dimensión parlamentaria de las relaciones UE-América Latina y Caribe´ 2012
´Introducción´ 2012
´Introduction: Regional integration, globalization and democracy´ 2013
´Parliamentary Diplomacy Uncovered: European and Global Perspectives´ 2016
´Re-Assessing the Claim of a “Successful Europeanization” of Spanish Foreign Policy: Conceptual and Empirical Criticisms´ 2013
´The European Parliament and Interregional Dialogue: the Case of Responsibility to Protect´ 2015
´The European Parliament´s contribution to the R2P debate: lessons from the Libyan and Syrian conflicts´ 2016
´The Parliamentary Dimension of the EU Rotating Presidency: bringing back national concerns through the “backdoor”?´ 2019
Ελύτης-Λόρκα: μια ποιητική συνομιλία (Elytis-Lorca: un encuentro poético) 2006
Μπρούντζος κι όνειρο: Οδυσσέας Ελύτης-Φεντερίκο Γκαρθία Λόρκα (Bronce y sueño: Odysseas Elytis-Federico García Lorca) 2008
‘Crisis and De-Europeanization’ 2015
‘Hubs-repelling’ Laplacian and related diffusion on graphs/networks 2020
“Bias Induced Transition from an Ohmic to a Non-Ohmic Interface in Supramolecular Tunneling Junctions with Ga2O3/EGaIn Top Electrodes” 2014
“Crónica de la exposición en el CDIS de Santander / Viajes fotográficos de Santiago Ramón y Cajal. De París a los Estados Unidos, 1899.”, 2009
“Desde el andén del llanto: Ildefonso Manuel Gil y Federico García Lorca” 2012
“Do NOT shoot the messenger”: a critique of the existing literature on the European Parliament and Turkey 2020
