
Título Añoorden ascendente
Observation of the spin Seebeck effect in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films 2013
DNA Origami Nanopores 2013
Pluripotent Stem Cells of the Mammalian Early Embryo 2013
The Janus project: Boosting spin-glass simulations using FPGAs 2013
NS3 protease from hepatitis C virus: Biophysical studies on an intrinsically disordered protein domain 2013
The impact of EU export refunds on the African continent: An impact assessment 2013
Raúl. Arenal, Superplastic deformation of directionally solidified nanofibrillar Al2O3–Y3Al5O12–ZrO2 eutectics 2013
Thickness scaling of ferroelastic domains in PbTiO3 films on DyScO3 2013
Effect of finishing time with vitamin E supplementation and alfalfa grazing on the carcass colour and evolution of meat colour and lipid oxidation of light lambs 2013
Are studies of geographical variation in medical practice useful in guiding decisions on disinvestment? Some pros and cons 2013
Contribution to the economic impact assessment of policy options to regulate animal cloning for food production with an economic simulation model 2013
Phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial DNA in a patient with Kearns-Sayre Syndrome containing a novel 7,629 base pair deletion. 2013
Synthesis of O- and C-glycosides derived from β-(1,3)-D-glucans. 2013
Conductance steps in electromigrated Bi nanoconstrictions 2013
Information sharing in Quantum Complex Networks 2013
The low energy spectrum of TeO2 bolometers: results and perspectives for the CUORE-0 and CUORE experiments 2013
La gestión y valoración de los documentos judiciales en el nuevo contexto tecnológico 2013
The origins, structures and functions of the Euro-Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly´ 2013
Structural basis for the interaction of unstructured neuron specific substrates neuromodulin and neurogranin with calmodulin 2013
Spin-to-charge conversion using Rashba coupling at the interface between non-magnetic materials 2013
