
Título Añoorden ascendente
Metallacarboranes and their interactions: theoretical insights and their applicability 2012
Reconfigurable computing for Monte Carlo simulations: results and prospects of the Janus project 2012
Cybrids for mitochondrial DNA pharmacogenomics 2012
Cytotoxicity of quinone drugs on highly proliferative human leukemia T cells: Reactive oxygen species generation and inactive shortened SOD1 isoform implications 2012
3D analysis of the morphology and spatial distribution of nitrogen in nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes by energy-filtered transmission electron microscopy tomogra... 2012
Synergistic activity of coriander oil and conventional antibiotics against Acinetobacter baumannii 2012
New mitochondrial DNA mutations in tRNA associated with three severe encephalopamyopa-thic phenotypes: neonatal, infantile and childhood onset 2012
Novel antiangiogenic therapies against advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) 2012
Caracterización, conservación y promoción de recursos genéticos de interés agroalimentario: caso practico de la Churra Tensina, raza ovina española en peligro de extinción. En: Avances de Investigación en Producción animal en Iberoamérica. 2012
Evaluation of Parenchymal Fluid Pressure in Native and Decellularized Liver Tissue 2012
The positive contribution of invertebrates to sustainable agriculture and food security 2012
CUORE crystal validation runs: Results on radioactive contamination and extrapolation to CUORE background 2012
Environmental heterogeneity influences the reliability of secondary sexual traits as condition indicators 2012
First in-situ TEM Studies of Young Modulus and Elastic Properties of individual and bundled Single-Walled BN nanotubes 2012
Synthesis, structure, and kinetic studies on [RuCl2(NCCH3)2(cod)] 2012
Liquid Crystalline Ionic Dendrimers Containing Luminescent Oxadiazole Moieties 2012
´EUROLAT: la dimensión parlamentaria de las relaciones UE-América Latina y Caribe´ 2012
Background model for a NaI(Tl) detector devoted to dark matter searches 2012
Thermodynamic glass transition in a spin glass without time-reversal symmetry 2012
Survival and mitochondrial function in septic patients according to mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. 2012
