
Título Añoorden ascendente
Flexoelectric tuning of polar rotations in ferroelectric thin films 2011
The Parliamentary Dimension of Regionalism: Comparing Experiences in Europe´s Neighborhoods 2011
Monitoring Entanglement Evolution and Collective Quantum Dynamics 2011
Transcriptomic signature of trophoblast differentiation in a human embryonic stem cell model. 2011
Use of Maximum Likelihood-Mixed Models to select stable reference genes: a case of the heat stress response in the ovine species 2011
De Madrid a Nápoles: Alarcón en la tertulia española del café Greco y en el gabinete fotográfico de Altobelli y Molins 2011
Programación en clusters Rocks 2011
Endometrial gene expression in the window of implantation is altered in obese women especially in association with polycystic ovary syndrome 2011
A Suitable Duplex-PCR for Ovine Embryo Sex and Genotype of PrnP Gene Determination for MOET-based Selection Programmes 2011
Organocatalyzed Michael Addition Reaction by Novel (2R,3aS,7aS)-octahydroindole-2-carboxylic Acid, a New Fused Proline 2011
Focused Electron Beam Induced Etching of Titanium with XeF2 2011
Electron scattering processes in Ho5(SixGe1-x)4 compounds: electrical resistivity studies 2011
Inconsistency between Different Measures of Sexual Selection 2011
Climate Change and Invertebrate Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: State of Knowledge, Risks and Opportunities 2011
Nanoscale chemical and structural study of Co- based FEBID structures by STEM-EELS and HRTEM 2011
High yield production of long branched Au nanoparticles characterized by atomic resolution transmission electron microscopy 2011
The Forward Discount Puzzle and Market Efficiency 2011
Inhibition of drug efflux in mycobacteria with phenothiazines and other putative efflux inhibitors 2011
Effect of FecXR polymorphism in the BMP15 gene on natural or eCG-induced ovulation rate and litter size in Rasa aragonesa ewes and implications for on-farm application 2011
Introducción 2011
