
Título Añoorden ascendente
Current regeneration patterns at treeline in the Pyrenees indicate similar recruitment processes irrespective of past disturbance regime 2010
Como mejorar la prolificidad de las ganaderías de ovino de carne mediante el programa de divulgación de la variante génica RasaOviaragón (ROA). 2010
EU-Latin American Parliamentary Relations: some Preliminary Comments on the EUROLAT 2010
Tunnelling magnetoresistance of Fe/MgO granular multilayers 2010
Dual pathway silencing of gene expression via DNA functionalized gold-nanoparticles 2010
Creation and manipulation of entanglement inspin chains far from equilibrium 2010
Molecular tools for rapid identification and novel effective therapy against MDRTB/XDRTB infections. 2010
Fe3O4 epitaxial thin films and heterostructures: magnetotransport and magnetic properties 2010
El valle del Ebro (yesos monegrinos) y territorios colindantes. 2010
Mechanically reinforced biodegradable nanocomposites. A facile synthesis based on PEGylated silica nanoparticles 2010
A MELAS/MERRF phenotype associated to the mitochondrial DNA 5521G>A mutation 2010
Endometrial gene expression analysis at the time of embryo implantation in women with unexplained infertility. 2010
Evaluation of efflux activity of bacteria by a semi-automated fluorometric system. 2010
Introducción 2010
Molecular mechanism of elongation factor 1A inhibition by a Legionella pneumophila glycosyltransferase. 2010
Autismo asociado a deficiencias de los complejos III y IV de la cadena respiratoria mitocondrial. 2010
Unmasking the causes of multifactorial disorders: OXPHOS differences between mitochondrial haplogroups. 2010
Panorámica de actores y factores en Asia Central 2010
Algoritmos en bioinformática estructural 2010
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics on the Electronic Boltzmann Equilibrium Distribution 2010
