
Título Añoorden ascendente
EU import restrictions on genetically modified feeds: Impacts on Spanish, EU and global livestock sectors 2010
Measuring the impacts of the CAP in Spain: A CGE model approach 2010
Ionic Photoresponsive Azo-Codendrimer with Room Temperature Mesomorphism and High Photoinduced Optical Anisotropy 2010
Does egg colouration reflect male condition in birds? 2010
Spatial variability in floodplain sedimentation: The use of generalized linear mixed-effects models 2010
The physical and chemical properties of heteronanotubes 2010
Role of the surface states in the magnetotransport properties of ultrathin bismuth films 2010
Low energy events in NaI(Tl) scintillators. ANAIS status and prospects 2010
Granzyme B of cytotoxic T cells induces extramitochondrial reactive oxygen species production via caspase-dependent NADPH oxidase activation 2010
Dendrimers as potential inhibitors of the dimerization of the capsid protein of HIV-1 2010
Boron-nitride and boron-carbonitride (BCN) NTs: synthesis, characterization and theory 2010
Human mitochondrial variants influence on oxygen consumption. 2009
Comparison of DNA binding across protein superfamilies 2009
GRB 060605: multi-wavelength analysis of the first GRB observed using integral field spectroscopy 2009
Are empirical rejections of UIP valid? 2009
Introducción 2009
GEMINI 3D spectroscopy of BAL+IR+Fe II QSOs: II. IRAS 04505-2958 an explosive QSO with hypershell and a new scenario for galaxy formation and galaxy end 2009
XIII Jornadas sobre Producción animal 2009
Conclusions 2009
Structural and functional characterization of a putative polysaccharide deacetylase of the human parasite Encephalitozoon cuniculi. 2009
