
Título Añoorden ascendente
La sociedad de la información en las Comunidades Autónomas: Aragón 2009
Competition and drought limit the response of water-use efficiency to rising atmospheric carbon dioxide in the Mediterranean fir Abies pinsapo 2009
Ecological correlates of bluetongue virus in Spain: predicted spatial occurrence and its relationship with observed abundance of potential vector Culicoides species 2009
Organocatalyzed Strecker Reactions 2009
Non cytotoxic pro-inflammatory function of mouse and human gzmA 2009
Characterization of intrinsic efflux activity of Enterococcus faecalis ATCC29212 by a semi-automated ethidium bromide method. 2009
STAGES: the Space Telescope A901/2 Galaxy Evolution Survey 2009
Obscured Star Formation in Intermediate-Density Environments: A Spitzer Study of the Abell 901/902 Supercluster 2009
The Economic Impacts of Turkish Accession to the European Union 2009
El Renacer de un Nuevo Campo: La Organocatálisis Asimétrica. Tioureas como Organocatalizadores 2009
pH Modulation of efflux pump activity of multi-drug resistant Escherichia coli: protection during its passage and eventual colonization of the colon. 2009
The EU and the Mediterranean: was security ever off the agenda? 2009
Molecular mechanisms of yeast cell wall glucan remodeling. 2009
Measuring Baryon Acoustic Oscillations Along the Line of Sight with Photometric Redshifts: The PAU Survey 2009
Isolation and characterization of di and tri nucleotide microsatellite loci in Rosmarinus officinalis (Lamiaceae), using enriched genomic libraries 2009
Two new large-separation gravitational lenses from SDSS 2009
Crossed Intramolecular Rauhut-Currier-Type Reactions via Dienamine Activation 2009
Variations in the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene indicate northward expanding populations of Culicoides imicola in Spain. 2009
International Health System Comparisons: from measurement challenge to management tool. 2009
Moroccan mitochondrial genetic background suggests prehistoric human migrations across the Gibraltar Strait. 2009
