
Título Añoorden ascendente
PKC-θ is required for NK cell activation and in vivo control of tumor progression 2009
Acid sphingomyelinase is a critical regulator of cytotoxic granule secretion by primary T lymphocytes 2009
Evolutionarily conserved proteins MnmE and GidA catalyze the formation of two methyluridine derivatives at tRNA wobble positions 2009
Binding thermodynamics of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase: Two different protein substrates and one energetics 2009
Soil organic carbon stabilization in dry tropical forests of Costa Rica 2009
Thermoelectric power factors of nanocarbon ensembles as a function of temperature 2009
A mechanism for histone chaperoning activity of Nucleoplasmin: Thermodynamic and structural models 2009
Thermodynamics of zinc binding to hepatitis C virus NS3 protease: A folding by binding event 2009
Single-active-electron approximation for molecules in strong laser fields : Test application to H2 2009
Whole Organ Decellularization - A Tool for Bioscaffold Fabrication and Organ Bioengineering 2009
Novel Strategy on Adenoviral Infection of Mesenchymal Stem Cells for In Vitro and In Vivo Imaging and Cancer Treatment Purposes. 2009
Structure-function analysis of E. coli MnmG (GidA), a highly-conserved tRNA-modifying enzyme 2009
Zaragoza en la fotografía estereoscópica de principios del siglo XX: El Turismo Práctico 2009
Phase transition in the three dimensional Heisenberg spin glass: Finite-size scaling analysis 2009
Modified Ehrenfest Formalism for Efficient Large Scale Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics 2009
Inter-annual variation and function of melanin-based ornamentation in female Eurasian kestrels 2009
Assessment of bacterial physiology and plasmid stability: application to plasmid DNA production by Escherichia coli 2009
Targeted radionuclide therapy using a Wnt-targeted replicating adenovirus encoding the Na/I symporter. 2009
Spatially resolved electron energy loss spectroscopy on n-type ultrananocrystalline diamond films 2009
An analysis of the Different Behavior of DNA and RNA through the Study of the Mutual Relationship between Stacking and Hydrogen Bonding 2009
