
Título Añoorden ascendente
The dark matter environment of the Abell 901/902 supercluster: a weak lensing analysis of the HST STAGES survey 2008
Integral field spectroscopy of HH 262: the spectral atlas 2008
High Ionic Conductivity in the Pyrochlore-type Gd2-yLayZr2O7 Solid Solution (0 ≤ y ≤ 1) 2008
Mejoras genéticas para la raza ovina Rasa aragonesa. 2008
Multilocus sequence analysis for assessment of the biogeography and evolutionary genetics of four Bradyrhizobium species that nodulate soybeans on the asiatic continent 2008
The ALHAMBRA Survey 2008
Estudio del endometrio refractario. 2008
Genética de las enfermedades del DNA mitocondrial. 2008
Penetración de Internet en Aragón, Evolución 2004-2007 2008
Structural and magnetic properties of Ho5(SixGe1−x)4 2008
Controlled ovarian stimulation induces a functional genomic delay of the endometrium with potential clinical implications. 2008
Use of lipid biomarker patterns as proxies of environmental variability in coastal sedimentary record from the Gulf of Cádiz (SW Spain). 2008
A new pathologic mitochondrial DNA mutation in the cytochrome oxidase subunit I (MT-CO1). 2008
Giant planar Hall effect in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin films and its temperature dependence 2008
Siring success and paternal effects in heterodichogamous Acer opalus 2008
The role of DNA-binding specificity in the evolution of bacterial regulatory networks 2008
Ilustraciones botánicas del género Salix L. 2008
An Explanation for the Observed Weak Size Evolution of Disk Galaxies 2008
The Barcelona Process, twelve years on: a critical overview 2008
Hydrostatic pressure effects in the magnetocaloric compounds R5(SixGe1−x)4 2008
