
Título Añoorden ascendente
The Alhambra Survey: a Large Area Multimedium-Band Optical and Near-Infrared Photometric Survey 2008
The profitability of Carry Trades 2008
Multilocus sequence analysis for assessment of the biogeography and evolutionary genetics of four Bradyrhizobium species that nodulate soybeans on the asiatic continent 2008
Accession to the European Union: Implications for Turkish Agro-Food Sectors 2008
On the Role of Volatility for Modelling Risk Exposure 2008
Hydrostatic pressure effects in the magnetocaloric compounds R5(SixGe1−x)4 2008
Demonstration of intrinsic efflux activity of Escherichia coli K-12 AG100 by an automated ethidium bromide method 2008
The impact of GM feed restrictions on European livestock sectors. 2008
Controlled ovarian stimulation induces a functional genomic delay of the endometrium with potential clinical implications. 2008
What’s the big deal? Estimates of agricultural trade benefits to the Spanish economy from a potential Doha agreement 2008
Mitochondrial DNA background modulates the assembly kinetics of OXPHOS complexes in a cellular model of mitochondrial disease. 2008
Impacto de las nuevas tecnologías sobre los laboratorios de TRA. 2008
Temperature-dependent Raman Scattering Studies of the Geometrically Frustrated Pyrochlores Dy2Ti2O7, Gd2Ti2O7 and Er2Ti2O7 2008
Multilayer self-assembling of maltose neoglycoconjugate dimers on hydrophobic graphite 2008
Influence of defects on structural and magnetic properties of multifunctional La2NiMnO6 thin films 2008
CXCL10 and IL-6 induce chemotaxis in human trophoblast cell lines. 2008
Structural and functional analysis of the HSP90AA1 gene: distribution of polymorphisms among sheep with different responses to scrapie 2008
RegulonDB (version 6.0): Gene regulation model of Escherichia coli K-12 beyond transcription, active (experimental) annotated promoters and Textpresso navigation 2008
GEMS Survey Data and Catalog 2008
Special Edition - Papers Selection from the 1st Cyprus Spring School on the European Union: “Understanding, Interpreting and Evaluating the European Union in 2007” 2008
