
Título Añoorden ascendente
The Effects of Moderate Alcohol Consumption on Bone Marrow and Peripheral Blood Progenitor Cell Populations in Nonhuman Primates 2008
Sapphire, BGO and LiF scintillating bolometers developed for dark matter experiments 2008
Probing high-pressure properties of single-wall carbon nanotubes through fullerene encapsulation 2008
Coherent quantum switch driven by optimized laser pulses 2008
The soil organic carbon in particle size separates under secondary forests of northeastern Costa Rica 2008
C and N concentrations in biogenic structures of a soil-feeding termite and a fungus-growing ant in the Colombian savannas 2008
Measurement of the Nuclear Recoil Thermal Relative Efficiency Factor with an Undoped Sapphire Scintillating Bolometer 2008
Cluster-surface and cluster-cluster interactions: Ab initio calculations and modeling of asymptotic van der Waals forces 2008
Granzyme B-induced cell death exerted by ex vivo CTL: discriminating requirements for cell death and some of its signs 2008
Recent Performance of Scintillating Bolometers Developed for Dark Matter Searches 2008
How the site of ionisation influences side-chain fragmentation in histidine radical cations 2008
The mechanism of low density lipoprotein (LDL) release in the endosome: Implications of the stability and Ca2+ affinity of the fifth binding module of the LDL receptor. 2008
Osmium-Allenylidene Complexes Containing an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligand 2008
Single-Active-Electron Approximation for Describing Molecules in Ultrashort Laser Pulses and Its Application to Molecular Hydrogen 2008
Monte Carlo simulations for statistical physics: Janus 2008
Extending the analysis of EELS spectrum-imaging data, from elemental to bond mapping in complex nanostructures 2008
Protonation effects coupled to the binding of ferredoxin/flavodoxin to ferredoxin NADP+ reductase from Anabaena 2008
Cuore Experiment:. the Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay 2008
Uveal vs. cutaneous melanoma. Origins and causes of the differences 2008
Identification of pharmacological chaperones as new therapeutic agents to treat phenylketonuria. 2008
